Feriado prolongado, mudança e um post super atrasado! Será? Nunca é tarde para adotarmos bons hábitos e nos preocuparmos com o todo.
Estão aí 6 receitas sem carne para você começar a praticar a redução do consumo, a conscientização com a degradação ambiental e a compaixão com os animas. Não precisa ser todo dia, mas "um dia por semana pode fazer um mundo de diferença", como já dizia o Paul McCartney.
Conheça o movimento Meat Free Monday - Segunda Sem Carne, se envolva, divulgue!
Café Da Manhã
Grapefruit Caramelizado
Corte 1 grapefruit rosado ao
meio, horizontalmente. Retire com cuidado da casca, elimine a membrana que
envolve os gomos e coloque numa tigela pequena. Adicione 75g de iogurte
natural, misture delicadamente e divida entre as duas metades de casca (ou use
tigelinhas refratárias, se preferir). Polvilhe 1 colher (sopa) de açúcar
mascavo e leve ao forno debaixo do grill bem quente por 2-3 minutos, até o
açúcar começar a borbulhar. Sirva imediatamente. Serve 2.
Almoço para Viagem
Rolls Vietnamita
Demolhe 4 discos transparentes de
arroz (para rolinhos), conforme instruções da embalagem. Escorra-os e coloque
sobre papel de cozinha. Demolhe 25g de macarrão de arroz, conforme explicado na
embalagem, escorra e corte em pedaços de 2cm. Rale 2 cenouras. Corte em
tirinhas ½ pepino japonês, 1 pimentão vermelho pequeno e ½ alface-americana.
Apoie um dos discos sobre uma tábua e, um pouco acima do centro, coloque parte
do macarrão picado, da cenoura ralada, das tiras de pepino, pimentão e alface,
deixando 2-3 cm livres nas laterais. Espalhe por cima algumas folhas de coentro
e dobre as laterais sobre o recheio. Enrole como rolinho primavera, começando
pelo lado oposto. Repita com os discos restantes. Esses rolls podem ser
guardados na geladeira, protegidos por um pano de cozinha úmido, de um dia para
o outro. Sirva-os com molho hoisin, molho agridoce de pimenta ou molho de soja
(shoyu), conforme preferir. Serve 1-2.
Sanduíche Quente de Muçarela
As coisas mais simples quase
sempre são as melhores, como é o caso desta receita. Quanto mais frescos forem
os ingredientes, melhor será o resultado. O molho que acompanha transforma este
sanduíche em algo realmente especial.
1 pão ciabatta médio
2 colheres (sopa) de molho ao
1 tomate maduro fatiado
25g de muçarela fresca fatiada
3 colheres (chá) de azeite de
1 colher (chá) de vinagre
Uma pitada de pimenta calabresa
em flocos
Preaqueça o grill. Corte o pão ao
meio e grelhe-o ligeiramente dos dois lados. Espalhe o molho ao pesto sobre uma
das metades de pão. Sobre a outra metade, arrume as rodelas de tomate, cubra-as
com as fatias de muçarela e leve ao grill até o queijo derreter. Sobreponha a
outra metade besuntada com o molho ao pesto. Numa tigelinha, misture o azeite,
o vinagre balsâmico e a pimenta. Sirva o sanduíche com esse molho. Serve 1.
Rúcula com Molho Cremoso de
Numa tigela, misture 1 colher
(chá) de mostarda Dijon, 1 colher (chá) de mostarda com sementes e 1 colher
(sopa) de creme de leite. Adicione 200g de rúcula e tempere com sal e pimenta-do-reino
moída na hora a gosto. Misture bem. Serve 2.
Risoto de Funghi e Salsão
Cogumelo porcini seco, salsão e
tomilho e um toque de alho é tudo que você precisa para preparar esse risoto
delicioso, de sabor delicado.
50g de cogumelo porcini seco
1 talo de salsão picado fino
1 cebola pequena picada fino
2 colheres (sopa) de azeite de
1 dente de alho picado fino
400g de arroz para risoto
2 litros de caldo para legumes
20g de manteiga
1 punhado de queijo parmesão
vegetariano, ralado na hora
1 colher (chá) de folhas de
tomilho, picadas na hora
Demolhe o cogumelo em água morna
por 20 minutos. Numa panela, refogue o salsão e a cebola no azeite, em fogo
baixo, até que fiquem murchos, mas não corados. Adicione o alho e refogue por
mais 1 minuto. Em seguida, acrescente o arroz, o cogumelo e parte do caldo.
Cozinhe, mexendo, por cerca de 2 minutos. Quando começar a engrossar, junte
mais caldo. Continue esse processo até o arroz estar cozido. Adicione a
manteiga e mexa. Espalhe por cima o parmesão e o tomilho e sirva. Serve 4.
Biscoito Craquelê de Chocolate
Preaqueça o forno a 180ºC e forre
duas assadeiras grandes com papel-manteiga. Derreta 225g de chocolate escuro
picado (70% de cacau) em banho-maria, colocando numa tigela refratária sobre
uma panela com água fervente e tomando cuidado para que o fundo não encoste na
água. Mexa algumas vezes e, quando o chocolate estiver derretido, retire-o e
deixe amornar ligeiramente. Numa tigela, bata 125g de manteiga sem sal
amolecida e 300g de açúcar mascavo até ficar claro e fofo – isso vai levar
cerca de 3 minutos. Adicione aos poucos 2 ovos grandes orgânicos batidos,
batendo bem a cada adição. Em seguida, adicione 1 colher (chá) de essência de
baunilha e o chocolate derretido. Peneire sobre a tigela 150g de farinha de
trigo, 50g de cacau em pó, 2 colheres (chá) de fermento em pó e uma pitada de
sal. Acrescente 2-3 colheres (sopa) de leite orgânico e 75g de gotas de
chocolate branco e misture bem. Cubra a tigela e leve à geladeira por 2 horas,
no mínimo, ou até que a massa fique firme. Numa tigela, coloque 6 colheres
(sopa) de açúcar de confeiteiro. Coloque um pouco de massa na palma da mão e
enrole formando uma bolinha do tamanho de uma noz. Role a bolinha no açúcar de
confeiteiro até que fique bem envolvida e arrume-a na assadeira. Repite com o
restante da massa, deixando um bom espaço entre as bolinhas. É possível que não
dê para assar todos os biscoitos de uma vez. Coloque a assadeira na prateleira
central do forno e asse até que a superfície dos biscoitos fique firme, mas não
crocante, cerca de 12 minutos. Deixe esfriar na assadeira. Rende 30.
Alimento e Você
Long holiday, change and a late super post! It will be? It's never too late to adopt good habits and worrying about the whole.
There are 6 meatless recipes to get you started practicing reducing consumption, awareness to environmental degradation and compassion for the Animas. It does not take all day, but "one day a week can make a world of difference", as it was for Paul McCartney.
Meet the movement Meat Free Monday - Meatless Monday, get involved, disclose!
Caramelized Grapefruit
1 pink grapefruit cut in half, horizontally. Carefully remove the shell, discard the membrane surrounding the buds and place in a small bowl. Add 75g of plain yogurt, mix gently and divide between the two shell halves (or use bowls refractory, if you prefer). Sprinkle 1 tablespoon (packed) brown sugar and light the oven under the hot grill for 2-3 minutes until the sugar starts to bubble. Serve immediately. Serves 2.
Packed Lunches
Rolls Vietnamese
Soak 4 transparent disks of rice (for rolls), according to package directions. Drain them and place on paper towels. Soak rice noodles 25g, as explained on the package, drain and cut into pieces 2 cm. Grate 2 carrots. Cut into strips ½ Japanese cucumber, red bell pepper 1 small ½ lettuce American. Support one of the disks on a cutting board and a little above the center, place of the chopped pasta, the grated carrot, cucumber of strips, peppers and lettuce, leaving 2-3 cm free on the sides. Spread over some coriander leaves and fold the sides over the filling. Wrap as spring roll, starting from the opposite side. Repeat with the remaining disks. These rolls can be stored in the refrigerator, protected by a cloth damp kitchen, from one day to the other. Serve them with hoisin sauce, chili sweet and sour sauce or soy sauce (shoyu), whichever you prefer. Serves 1-2.
Hot sandwich mozzarella
The simplest things are often the best, as is the case of this recipe. The freshest ingredients are, the better the result. The sauce accompanying transform this sandwich into something really special.
1 medium bread ciabatta
2 tablespoons (soup) with pesto sauce
1 sliced ripe tomato
25g fresh sliced mozzarella
3 teaspoons (tsp) olive oil
1 teaspoon (tsp) balsamic vinegar
A pinch of chilli flakes
Preheat the grill. Cut bread in half and grill it on both sides slightly. Spread the sauce pesto on one of the bread halves. On the other half, arrange the tomato slices, cover with slices of mozzarella and bake in the grill until the cheese melts. Overlap the other half smeared with sauce pesto. In a small bowl, mix olive oil, balsamic vinegar and pepper. Serve the sandwich with that sauce. Serves 1.
Side dish
Arugula with Creamy Mustard Sauce from
In a bowl, mix 1 teaspoon (tsp) Dijon mustard, 1 teaspoon (tsp) mustard with seeds and 1 tablespoon (soup) of sour cream. Add 200g arugula and season with salt and black pepper freshly ground black to taste. Mix well. Serves 2.
Risotto Funghi and Celery
Dry porcini mushroom, celery and thyme and garlic touch is all you need to prepare this delicious risotto, delicate flavor.
50g dried porcini mushroom of
1 stalk celery, chopped fine
1 small onion, chopped fine
2 tablespoons (soup) olive oil
1 clove garlic finely chopped
400g of rice for risotto
2 liter broth for vegetables
20g butter
1 vegetarian parmesan cheese handful of grated time
1 teaspoon (tsp) thyme leaves, chopped at the time
Soak the mushrooms in warm water for 20 minutes. In a saucepan, saute celery and onion in olive oil over low heat until they are withered, but not stained. Add garlic and saute for 1 minute. Then add the rice, mushroom and part of the broth. Cook, stirring, for about 2 minutes. When it begins to thicken, add more broth. Continue this process until the rice is cooked. Add the butter and stir. Sprinkle the Parmesan and thyme and serve. Serves 4.
Chocolate biscuit
Preheat oven to 180 ° C and line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Of chopped dark chocolate Melt 225g (70% cocoa) in a water bath by placing a heatproof bowl over a pan of boiling water and making sure that the bottom does not touch the water. Stir a few times and when the chocolate is melted, remove and let cool slightly. In a bowl, whisk 125g butter, softened salt and brown sugar 300g until light and fluffy - this will take about 3 minutes. Slowly add 2 large eggs beaten organic, beating well after each addition. Then add 1 teaspoon (tsp) vanilla extract and melted chocolate. Sift over the bowl 150g flour, 50g cocoa powder, 2 teaspoons (tsp) baking powder and a pinch of salt. Add 2-3 tablespoons (soup) of organic milk and 75g of white chocolate chips and mix well. Cover the bowl and refrigerate for 2 hours at least, or until dough is firm. In a bowl, put 6 tablespoons (soup) of powdered sugar. Put some mass on the palm and roll forming a ball the size of a walnut. Roll the ball in the powdered sugar until it is fully engaged and arrange in a baking dish. Repite with the rest of the mass, leaving a large space between the balls. It may not take to bake all the cookies at once. Place the roasting pan on the center rack of the oven and bake until the surface of the cookie is firm but not crispy, about 12 minutes. Cool in the pan. Rende 30.
Alimento e Você
Long holiday, change and a late super post! It will be? It's never too late to adopt good habits and worrying about the whole.
There are 6 meatless recipes to get you started practicing reducing consumption, awareness to environmental degradation and compassion for the Animas. It does not take all day, but "one day a week can make a world of difference", as it was for Paul McCartney.
Meet the movement Meat Free Monday - Meatless Monday, get involved, disclose!
Caramelized Grapefruit
1 pink grapefruit cut in half, horizontally. Carefully remove the shell, discard the membrane surrounding the buds and place in a small bowl. Add 75g of plain yogurt, mix gently and divide between the two shell halves (or use bowls refractory, if you prefer). Sprinkle 1 tablespoon (packed) brown sugar and light the oven under the hot grill for 2-3 minutes until the sugar starts to bubble. Serve immediately. Serves 2.
Packed Lunches
Rolls Vietnamese
Soak 4 transparent disks of rice (for rolls), according to package directions. Drain them and place on paper towels. Soak rice noodles 25g, as explained on the package, drain and cut into pieces 2 cm. Grate 2 carrots. Cut into strips ½ Japanese cucumber, red bell pepper 1 small ½ lettuce American. Support one of the disks on a cutting board and a little above the center, place of the chopped pasta, the grated carrot, cucumber of strips, peppers and lettuce, leaving 2-3 cm free on the sides. Spread over some coriander leaves and fold the sides over the filling. Wrap as spring roll, starting from the opposite side. Repeat with the remaining disks. These rolls can be stored in the refrigerator, protected by a cloth damp kitchen, from one day to the other. Serve them with hoisin sauce, chili sweet and sour sauce or soy sauce (shoyu), whichever you prefer. Serves 1-2.
Hot sandwich mozzarella
The simplest things are often the best, as is the case of this recipe. The freshest ingredients are, the better the result. The sauce accompanying transform this sandwich into something really special.
1 medium bread ciabatta
2 tablespoons (soup) with pesto sauce
1 sliced ripe tomato
25g fresh sliced mozzarella
3 teaspoons (tsp) olive oil
1 teaspoon (tsp) balsamic vinegar
A pinch of chilli flakes
Preheat the grill. Cut bread in half and grill it on both sides slightly. Spread the sauce pesto on one of the bread halves. On the other half, arrange the tomato slices, cover with slices of mozzarella and bake in the grill until the cheese melts. Overlap the other half smeared with sauce pesto. In a small bowl, mix olive oil, balsamic vinegar and pepper. Serve the sandwich with that sauce. Serves 1.
Side dish
Arugula with Creamy Mustard Sauce from
In a bowl, mix 1 teaspoon (tsp) Dijon mustard, 1 teaspoon (tsp) mustard with seeds and 1 tablespoon (soup) of sour cream. Add 200g arugula and season with salt and black pepper freshly ground black to taste. Mix well. Serves 2.
Risotto Funghi and Celery
Dry porcini mushroom, celery and thyme and garlic touch is all you need to prepare this delicious risotto, delicate flavor.
50g dried porcini mushroom of
1 stalk celery, chopped fine
1 small onion, chopped fine
2 tablespoons (soup) olive oil
1 clove garlic finely chopped
400g of rice for risotto
2 liter broth for vegetables
20g butter
1 vegetarian parmesan cheese handful of grated time
1 teaspoon (tsp) thyme leaves, chopped at the time
Soak the mushrooms in warm water for 20 minutes. In a saucepan, saute celery and onion in olive oil over low heat until they are withered, but not stained. Add garlic and saute for 1 minute. Then add the rice, mushroom and part of the broth. Cook, stirring, for about 2 minutes. When it begins to thicken, add more broth. Continue this process until the rice is cooked. Add the butter and stir. Sprinkle the Parmesan and thyme and serve. Serves 4.
Chocolate biscuit
Preheat oven to 180 ° C and line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Of chopped dark chocolate Melt 225g (70% cocoa) in a water bath by placing a heatproof bowl over a pan of boiling water and making sure that the bottom does not touch the water. Stir a few times and when the chocolate is melted, remove and let cool slightly. In a bowl, whisk 125g butter, softened salt and brown sugar 300g until light and fluffy - this will take about 3 minutes. Slowly add 2 large eggs beaten organic, beating well after each addition. Then add 1 teaspoon (tsp) vanilla extract and melted chocolate. Sift over the bowl 150g flour, 50g cocoa powder, 2 teaspoons (tsp) baking powder and a pinch of salt. Add 2-3 tablespoons (soup) of organic milk and 75g of white chocolate chips and mix well. Cover the bowl and refrigerate for 2 hours at least, or until dough is firm. In a bowl, put 6 tablespoons (soup) of powdered sugar. Put some mass on the palm and roll forming a ball the size of a walnut. Roll the ball in the powdered sugar until it is fully engaged and arrange in a baking dish. Repite with the rest of the mass, leaving a large space between the balls. It may not take to bake all the cookies at once. Place the roasting pan on the center rack of the oven and bake until the surface of the cookie is firm but not crispy, about 12 minutes. Cool in the pan. Rende 30.
Alimento e Você