Bacana ver que divulgar receitas sem carne tem utilidade para as pessoas.
Quando se fala em comer sem carne pensa-se logo em = Arroz + Feijão + Salada + Ovo. Há também quem pense que comer Peixe é comer sem carne. Mas estamos descobrindo um novo horizonte, que bom!
O movimento Meat Free Monday (Segunda Sem Carne) cita diversas pesquisas de entidades respeitadas, onde é comprovado que comer sem carne 1x por semana não só é benéfico para nossa saúde, como também contribui diretamente para redução do aquecimento global.
Nesse desafio nós cozinharemos cada uma das receitas do livro Meat Free Monday como forma de disseminar uma informação importante, estimulando você a começar a ter um dia sem carne: Segunda Sem Carne.
Logo na Semana #1 já temos uma adepta! Desafiada, ela topou e já preparou uma das receitas da semana. A Salada Fatuche com Queijo Grelhado.
Dani Duarte mora no Rio, tem 33 anos e é designer de estampas. Segundo ela, tem tentado ser aprendiz de culinária, mas acho que é modéstia. Vejam a mensagem que nos enviou.
Oi!!! Aí estão as fotos do meu desafio!!! Adorei! Sabia que a banana ia ser mais fácil mas fiquei louca pra provar a salada! E como eu disse antes, meu desafio MESMO vai ser cozinhar... Então, comecei bem! Só faltou o Sumac, não encontrei a tempo (mas super vou comprar pra provar de novo qdo tiver tempo de ir no árabe) e o queijo foi coalho mesmo. Foi fácil, com saladas sempre me dei bem... só não consegui muito bem a parte de torrar os pães, mas ficou muito bom assim mesmo! Ah, e fiz menos, pq achei que ia ser demais... mas aí não consegui deixar sobrar pra levar de almoço amanhã! hahaha. Bom, já me diverti! Domingo vou tentar mais pratos! Valeu mesmo!!! Bjo
E vejam o desafio dela como ficou linda a Salada Fatuche com Queijo Grelhado!
E nossos convidados desafiados Ana e Ricardo, como será que se saíram? Não tivemos notícias se eles conseguiram preparar algum dos pratos. Mas esperamos que a sementinha tenha sido plantada.
Aproveitem um tempinho do final de semana para ler as receitas divulgadas nesta semana e quem sabe comprar os ingredientes para que sua próxima Segunda já seja sem carne.
Vamos preparar no domingo as receitas da próxima semana e divulgaremos para vocês na Segunda:
Café da Manhã: Scones
Almoço para viagem: Patê de Gorgonzola
Almoço: Sopa de Agrião com Amêndoa (receita da Linda McCartney)
Acompanhamento: Croquetes de Queijo e Aspargo
Jantar: Macarrão com Couve-Flor à Siciliana
Sobremesa: Cupcakes de Banana e Manteiga de Amendoim
Bom final de semana e até Segunda (Sem Carne)!
Jana Favato
Alimento e Você
It´s very cool to see that meatless recipes is useful to people!
When it comes to eating meatless think up soon = Rice + beans + salad + egg. There are also those who think that eating fish is eating without meat. But we see that is a lot more than that. Good!
The Meat Free Monday movement brought several studies of respected authorities, where it is proven that eating meatless 1x per week is not only beneficial for our health, but also directly contributes to reducing global warming.
In this challenge we shall cook each recipe of Meat Free Monday book's as a way to disseminate important information and also encouraging you to start having a day without meat: Meat Free Monday.
Week # 1 already have a supporter! Challenged, she stumbled and has already prepared one of the week's recipes. The Fatuche Salad with Grilled Cheese.
Dani Duarte lives in Rio, has 33 years and is printed designer. According to her, has tried to be apprenticed to cooking, but I think it is modesty. You see the message you sent us.
Hi !!! Here are the photos of my challenge !!! Loved it! Did you know that the banana would be easier but I was dying to try the salad! And as I said before, my EVEN challenge will be cooking ... So I started well! Just missed the Sumac, I found the time (but super'll buy to prove again qdo have time to go in Arabic) and the cheese curd was it. It was easy, with salads always got along well ... just do not get very good piece of toast the bread, but it was very good anyway! Oh, and did less, 'cause I thought it would be too much ... but then I could not help leftovers to take lunch tomorrow! hahaha. Well, I had fun! Sunday I will try more dishes! Thanks again !!! bjo
And see the challenge as it was lovely to Fatuche Salad with Grilled Cheese!
About the week´s guests Ana and Ricardo, how will that turned out? We had no news if they were able to prepare some of the dishes. But we hope that the seed has been planted.
Enjoy a weekend of moment to read the recipes disclosed this week and maybe buy the ingredients for your next Monday is already without meat.
We will prepare the recipes on Sunday next week and will post to you on Monday.
Good weekend and I will see you on Monday (Meat Free)!
Jana Favato
Alimento e Você
Aproveitem um tempinho do final de semana para ler as receitas divulgadas nesta semana e quem sabe comprar os ingredientes para que sua próxima Segunda já seja sem carne.
Vamos preparar no domingo as receitas da próxima semana e divulgaremos para vocês na Segunda:
Café da Manhã: Scones
Almoço para viagem: Patê de Gorgonzola
Almoço: Sopa de Agrião com Amêndoa (receita da Linda McCartney)
Acompanhamento: Croquetes de Queijo e Aspargo
Jantar: Macarrão com Couve-Flor à Siciliana
Sobremesa: Cupcakes de Banana e Manteiga de Amendoim
Bom final de semana e até Segunda (Sem Carne)!
Jana Favato
Alimento e Você
It´s very cool to see that meatless recipes is useful to people!
When it comes to eating meatless think up soon = Rice + beans + salad + egg. There are also those who think that eating fish is eating without meat. But we see that is a lot more than that. Good!
The Meat Free Monday movement brought several studies of respected authorities, where it is proven that eating meatless 1x per week is not only beneficial for our health, but also directly contributes to reducing global warming.
In this challenge we shall cook each recipe of Meat Free Monday book's as a way to disseminate important information and also encouraging you to start having a day without meat: Meat Free Monday.
Week # 1 already have a supporter! Challenged, she stumbled and has already prepared one of the week's recipes. The Fatuche Salad with Grilled Cheese.
Dani Duarte lives in Rio, has 33 years and is printed designer. According to her, has tried to be apprenticed to cooking, but I think it is modesty. You see the message you sent us.
Hi !!! Here are the photos of my challenge !!! Loved it! Did you know that the banana would be easier but I was dying to try the salad! And as I said before, my EVEN challenge will be cooking ... So I started well! Just missed the Sumac, I found the time (but super'll buy to prove again qdo have time to go in Arabic) and the cheese curd was it. It was easy, with salads always got along well ... just do not get very good piece of toast the bread, but it was very good anyway! Oh, and did less, 'cause I thought it would be too much ... but then I could not help leftovers to take lunch tomorrow! hahaha. Well, I had fun! Sunday I will try more dishes! Thanks again !!! bjo
And see the challenge as it was lovely to Fatuche Salad with Grilled Cheese!
About the week´s guests Ana and Ricardo, how will that turned out? We had no news if they were able to prepare some of the dishes. But we hope that the seed has been planted.
Enjoy a weekend of moment to read the recipes disclosed this week and maybe buy the ingredients for your next Monday is already without meat.
We will prepare the recipes on Sunday next week and will post to you on Monday.
Good weekend and I will see you on Monday (Meat Free)!
Jana Favato
Alimento e Você